They Show Up When You Do

Here are 9 thoughts I had earlier today when I tried writing the start of a new book.

1) I’m thirsty. I’ll get something to drink before I write.

2) I should probably shower and shave now so I don’t have to later. That way I can totally focus on writing.

3) I’m sorta sore. I think I’ll stretch.

4) This couch is comfortable. Maybe I’ll just lay back and think about what I’ll write for a minute or two.

5) I should eat something so hunger doesn’t interrupt my flow once I get going.

6) I’ve gotta go to the bathroom.

7) I wonder if anything interesting is on Facebook or if I got any snaps or I missed that my phone beeped with a message.

8) I’m thirsty again and I didn’t fill my cup with enough water.

9) I wonder what I’ll do after I’m done writing.

The little voices in your head, your fears, your excuses, whatever you want to label them – they show up when you do. Always. It helps to notice them and let them pass, but from my years of noticing them, it doesn’t make it any easier. However, letting them go and pushing forward with my art has always made it more worth it.

Don’t listen to the little voices in your head.


Stay Positive & Keep Doing Your Art

Garth Beyer
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One thought on “They Show Up When You Do

  • June 7, 2015 at 11:11 PM

    I definitely need to keep this in mind! Those thoughts creep into my head whenever I should be starting and focusing on something new.

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