What’s Next?

I get giddy every day when I can ask myself the question. To me it’s like asking a cute girl to boogie with you at a high school dance (apologies for using the word boogie, I didn’t want to write “dance” twice).

But, instead of a girl, it’s really opportunity. Even better. It’s a chance to make sense of chaos, to refocus on something different and valuable, to own your next endeavor.

Those I see unhappy at the workplace are those who are petrified when they’ve got to answer the question of what’s next. Shouldn’t your boss be telling you? Where is she? You better go ask her.

Being faced with endless choices is tough, but exciting, no? Don’t sell your opportunities short. What you see in front of you may not be all there is to choose from.

If you’re not willing to face the abyss of choice, you will almost certainly not spend enough time dancing with opportunity. – Seth Godin


Stay Positive & Go Ask Her To Dance

Garth Beyer
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