Why We Consume


In the early days, we consumed to meet our needs.

Then we consumed to meet our wants.

What most people miss is after we met our wants, we didn’t want more; what we wanted was to feel.

People don’t buy a BMW because it shines. People don’t buy Starbucks because it’s the best tasting coffee. People don’t buy bigger houses because they want more, more, more.

People buy into how items makes them feel.

Businesses have gone from advertising (more, more, more) to marketing (feel, feel, feel). We’ve gone from buying what we want, to buying how we want to feel.

Looking at it this way makes consumption seem more positive. The more you consume the better you feel. But let’s not forget that the less we consume, the more leisure time we will have.

Ask yourself, how would more leisure time make you feel?


Stay Positive & Better Than Consuming?

Garth E. Beyer

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Garth Beyer
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