Quality Over Quantity Is An Antiquity

Quality Over Quantity Is An Antiquity




It’s expressed over and over that quality should always be over quantity. It is one of three factors to profiting most from a product.

1. Lowest Price

2. Best Service

3. Best Quality

But I am not telling you to choose quality over quantity.


Sure quantity over quality had its spotlight at one time. But the light has since gone dim. It flickers from time to time and that is how we got generic brands or bulk items. There are times in life that we can forget the quality of something for the quantity. Do you really want to spend 60 dollars on one new quality toy for your four-year old? Or purchase 10 toys for 60 dollars? Especially when you know that if you paid extra for the one toy, the chances of a four-year old breaking it is pretty high.

But I am not telling you to choose quantity over quality again either.

So What’s The Q-Fusion

Why is it that you have to choose quality or quantity with a product? Why do we have to place one over the other?

You know what you can do? Put them on the same level and see what happens. Yes, I’m telling you to use both. If we are talking about importance then sure quality is the most important, but that doesn’t mean quality can’t be completed at a steady pace. Nor can you argue that a quantity of quality will always make you — not just A winner, but THE winner. A winner in sales, in business…in life.


Abraham Lincoln said, “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”  — Quality

I will add, “And don’t settle for a bit of life in each year, go all out” — Quantity


Stay Positive and Synthesized

Garth E. Beyer


It PAYS To Be Early

It PAYS To Be Early

Do you know that feeling of seeing the sun rise? How aesthetic and life-energizing it is? The sight of it transports you to a realm of endless peacefulness. It nearly makes you feel as warm as the sun itself. It reminds you the world is a beautiful place.  What if I told you that you could have a similar reaction by getting to work earlier than usual? What if I shared with you an idea that you would consider skipping watching the sunrise to partake in? Read On.

We generally don’t get paid for arriving at our jobs early. Or do we?

We never realize the perks and rewards for arriving to meetings, our jobs, or even friendly get-together’s early. We just think “I’m lucky I got a seat” or something of the sort.

Something so simple gives such greater rewards than a good seat. Do you notice them? Do you realize the difference between arriving early and arriving just on time?

Say… you have a meeting to attend this Friday and you already know your boss is going to be there early to set up the presentation. Are you one of the few that sees this as an opportunity? Or are you thinking “I have to make sure I am on time, I can’t let my boss catch me being late again”?

What you should be thinking is the next step to work, relationship, and financial progress. You may consider asking your boss if he or she needs help setting up. Don’t be a suck up.  Despite what movies suggest, successful CEO’s are not surrounded by suck-ups. They are connected with activators and those who take matters into their own hands and form them into successful creations. Don’t ask if your boss could use some extra help getting things ready, put yourself in the position. YOU can be the reason that the meeting went effortlessly and efficiently. A good deed never goes unnoticed. Whether you can see that your actions had a positive impact or not, your boss will be mentioning your name when talking to other CEO’s because of your simple contribution of time and energy. — And to think, all it took was getting to work 20 minutes earlier.

Just a thought,
In order to be first, you need to be first!

Stay Positive and remember the alarm does not go off to punish you. It goes off to let you know that an opportunity to succeed -further than you have already- is awaiting for you to grab hold of it.

Garth E. Beyer

Knowing People and The “Informal Credential” Fallacy

Though “time” is the only constant in life, it is also the largest change we must adapt to. It’s a bit of an oxymoron isn’t it?

The farthest back that I have experience with the job market is when people walked into a business, asked for an application, filled it there, called them to check up on the application in a week, got an interview, and then got the job if their first impression and behavior was acceptable.This is just one process that was “the right way” at the time.

Though there are hundreds of different processes to acquire a job, job seekers are being grenaded with two specific processes.

1. Know Someone – No one cares about the olden days of apprenticeship and working for your parents. Kids grow up usually wanting to do the exact opposite of their parents. That leaves the fact that to get a job in an area of your interest, you have to know someone in the department. I don’t know why companies bother asking for references on the resume, the only reference they care about is word of mouth. The only opinion they care about is that of someone who they work closely too or that is already in the department. Your focus needs to be on people who love you and could talk about you all day THAT IS IN YOUR AREA OF INTEREST.  How do you do this? Well, I can answer that with a couple of options.

  • Don’t have the bachelor’s degree that’s required for the job you want? Apply free. Send the application in requesting that you would like to be the assistant to the person who gets the job you are after. Make sure that it is clear that you will work for free and help with whatever tasks that are assigned to you to help the person fulfilling the position. You are only after experience — to begin.
  • Anyone who types or writes a word can call themselves a journalist. So go to the business that you want the job at and request an interview with the owner or highest ranked person. You simply want to write a report on the company for your blog, school, website, etc. Sweet, you got your interview. Don’t let others tell you that your first impression is everything. It’s not. What you want to do is take your 15 minutes you got and turn it into a 30 minute interview. (Have enough questions prepared, but you should be having more of a conversation than an interview). You can talk about your interest in the field, but do not state your education or interest in a job. After you write your article and send it to the business, you can wait a week and call them back for a follow up interview. All of your visible or invisible readers want to know more and were interested in your content and the business itself. You are already on a friendly level with the owner and now you can focus the interview to bring out your knowledge of the business in question. Before you leave, have a card or contact information ready to give to the employer and bring up the idea of working for them for a pay check or for free. If you do not feel you are acquainted enough to accomplish this you can ask that you would like to interview some of the employees. Instead of winning over “the big-man”, win over the employees so they can put a good word in about you. They will only reassure “the big-man” of your qualities and abilities

2.  Informal Credentials – Who cares about a piece of paper, a few letters before your name, or how hot it is to be called Doctor “Smith”. What you can do to get a job without a degree is to surprise the employer with a list of different experiences related to the field. In the “education” area of your application write “Check out my experience in my Resume”.

  • The only way to get a job this way is to step out of your box and travel the world and to go after every experience in the related field. If you are into working for an Environmental group, start traveling to Australia and Ireland to see how they use their green bags and the politics around the topic there. Get acquainted with all angles of your interest from all the different parts of the world. An employer wont turn you down. Better yet, you may end up creating your own business instead.
  • For more on how to gain informal credentials, I will push you towards Tim Ferris http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2011/09/29/8-steps-to-getting-what-you-want-without-formal-credentials/

My question to you is, why is it not pushed to do these two processes IN ADDITION to getting formal credentials? I’ll help you with the easy questions here..

The only way someone is going to be successful in helping others find jobs is if they focus on a niche area of getting people employed. I have just shared with you the two largest ones. People share these concepts with others because no  one will listen unless it is quick and specific. We have since passed the era of receiving all the information on one topic. We only receive all the information on one small piece of the grand topic.

I am not saying that this information is unworthy and not should be followed, I am proposing that you combine these topics to create the original knowledge base that they were taken and separated from. Only then can you truly achieve absolutely any job you want at the same time as being surrounded by incredible people with the same interest and traveling the world.

A person walks into a job interview with a master’s degree in the field required from an Ivy league.

The next person that will be interviewed has the same degree from Australia, has worked in a similar company in London, and created another similar company in Hawaii which made just enough money to make it self-sustaining.

Which one gets the job?

Stay Positive and Self-Credentialed

Garth E. Beyer

I say, ” If you can’t get out of your box, at least take it with you when you travel the world to get your informal and formal credentials.”

Subsidizing Delegation to Acquire More Time

Team-Work Accountability

In a haste to delegate and decrease your responsibilities, you may hand tasks and duties to someone else. I highly encourage it when you are looking to acquire more freedom from stress and more time to take part in what you love. But when the tasks are for a shared vision you need to take the time in the beginning to make sure you are not putting the extra weight on their back before you teach them how to work with it on their back. Delegation is a shared process and will be added as a chapter by itself in the eBook “Parents Cost Us Money Too”, as a matter of prevention over clean-up.

In the beginning the vision needs to merge between the partners. Not only the desired result of both parties, but also the process and timeline. By communicating a timeline together there is a lesser necessity to make frequent meetings in the future, which results in exactly what you wanted: more time!

Delegation is tough… to start

When you begin delegating you will often feel that you are doing even more work than before. I thought the point of delegation was to give you freedom and remove stress from your life? This empowering result of delegation comes AFTER you follow the four D’s of delegation.

1. Define the problem

What is the issue at hand? What are you delegating?

2. Discover the resolution for the issue

Ask questions to focus on the result of the delegation.

3. Discern the ideas by brainstorming

How are you going to get the desired result? What will work? What wont? What needs to be taught?

4. Direct the partner– the most important.

What resources do you have available to increase their success rate? What role will you play while they carry out the task? Are there other members of your team that assist?

There you have it, a quick and straightforward approach to delegating.  Remember, it is often difficult to start but you only have to focus on the results that delegating will offer. Need further help or a more in-depth reasoning behind an aspect of delegation, feel free to comment and I will get back to you within 24 hours.


Stay Positive and Delegate

Garth E. Beyer

An Apple A Day, Will Make Success Stay!

Every store, every online market, every shop; is a business. And every business has a goal. Already, every goal for a business is the same; they want to succeed. Now as consumers we run over the speed bump too quickly of what the meaning of success is to the owner and how they strive to achieve it. We want what we want when we want it, right?

Wrong. In a world where someone can create a business in less than a month, we find ourselves pushed and forced to make impulse purchases, unacknowledged buys and cheaply made items from one way advertising messages. On top of all that, there is the lack of honest help and service from employees or even the owner.

Just because a customer leaves happy does not mean the business interaction was a success. They might catch an advertisement on TV of the same product being sold cheaper at a closer store, or the item might have broken already, or they come to find that they aren’t even using it. But business owners tend to live in ignorant bliss with this fact.

But not all.

Every now and then, we, as customers, come across a really great store. When was the last time you walked into a store and were actually greeted by the owner of it? What a difference it is to be greeted by the owner then by a paid greeter at Wal-Mart! The first thing you catch is the passion of the owner. Isn’t a passion how every business gets created? Yet through the expansion or the lack of business, customers quickly no longer see the passion, but only see a large red sign that says “SALE”. Let me make a comparison here, there are businesses who will post a sale on a specific item, because they need some extra money or it just needs to be sold. Then there are businesses that charge you the full price but offer you a discount when you go to ring it up because it is your first time there, or the business noticed YOUR passion for what you are buying. Let me tell you, getting items scanned is not a business relationship. And in the long run, a 10% discount beats a “SALE” anyway.

So when was the last time you went to a store where the owner was there and could answer any question about any product? Rare, isn’t it? It is time for everyone to reevaluate the meaning of success. A business ran with passion, overflowing with knowledge and the willingness to share it with their customers, and striving to establish a connection through the business relationship is TRUE SUCCESS!

Credit for this idea of a blog post goes to Apple Wellness (Located in Fitchburg, WI 608-663-2640). I would like to thank Tim O’Brien, owner and manager of Apple Wellness for taking the time to make sure his customers are knowledgeable before their purchases and promoting better health for people through fitness and nutrition. Thanks!

Stay Positive and Have An Apple

Garth E. Beyer