Different Stories


We used to be in love with the carbs and the sweetness of cereal.

Then, what feels like overnight, cereal stopped being our breakfast go-to and steal cut oats were, yogurt parfait was, four egg-whites were. The story we wanted to tell ourselves changed and brands are trying to adjust by adding protein flakes, berries and extra this and extra that.

The problem is that while the story we now tell ourselves about breakfast has changed, the story of brands that sell product like breakfast cereal haven’t.

You can change the product to align with stories your target is telling themselves, but that doesn’t change the story you’re brand is telling. McDonald’s going into salads and parfaits doesn’t change the story McDonald’s tells. People see through it.

So you have to decide whether you’ll stick to your story and your product and see the newest story as a fad that’ll die off or you position your brand and tell a new story.


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Garth Beyer
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