When Is It Time To Replace?

There’s a floor broom at a restaurant. It has been there for four years. It doesn’t look pretty; some of the fabric on it is torn, but it works.

When should they replace it?

The answer actually has a lot less to do with the broom and more to do with the people using it (or, often the case, not using it).

If it’s not getting used during service because of the optics of guests… if it’s not getting used by staff because they think all its doing is dragging four-year-old-dirt around on the floor… if it’s not getting used simply because its perceived as old/broke/unsanitary…

The magic of buying a new car is that people treat it like they just bought a new car. Same for a house and other big purchases.

Let’s not fall into the trap of thinking that only applies to the big purchases, though.

It behooves many a leader to purchase something new regardless if it’s broke or not.

Stay Positive & Look Around, See Anything That Works But Needs Replacing?

Someone Has To Go First

I’ve always been a fan of going first.

I was the first to raise my hand when the opportunity arose in school. The first to graduate college in my family. The first to speak in a meeting or participate in a game or pitch an idea.

There are two reasons why.

The first is that someone has to go first. There’s no denying that.

The second will sound selfless at first, but I’d argue it’s equally as selfish: it makes it easier for everyone else after. They either learn what to avoid by my mistake or they can build off the success and make it better. Either way, the followers win.

(Of course, the selfish part of this is that 99% of the time if I started with a mistake, no one remembers it but if I start with a success and set the bar high, everyone remembers it. I’m still not sure why this rings true; perhaps a blog post to ruminate on the future.)

Stay Positive & If You’re Not First….

Get One, Give One

There’s not a product or service that won’t benefit from this in the long run if they can invest in it short-term.

It’s better than a BOGO. It’s better than a freebie. It’s better than direct mail and digital advertising.

The reason it’s better?

Because there’s a single requirement to making it work (aside from the funds to offer it): you have to create a remarkable experience… as in, an experience that the user/buyer wants to make remarks about.

If that’s the case, they benefit twice when they buy from you. They get what you’re offering and they get the status bump of gifting that remarkable experience to someone else.

If the get one, give one doesn’t work, it’s because you’re coming up short on remarkability.

Stay Positive & It’s The Connection Economy, After All

A Little Goes…

A little prep on Sunday night before going into the work week goes a long way toward making Monday, well, not feel like a Monday.

A little note of appreciation to your significant other goes a long way to ensuring they feel seen, and, well, appreciated.

A little bit of money tucked away each month goes a long way to putting more down on a big project you’re bound to take on down the road.

Perhaps… just perhaps… the long way is made up entirely of a little of this and a little of that.

Stay Positive & Don’t Let The Big Stuff Distract You

Like What

The NA industry is booming…but compared to what?

Your biz idea is like what? The Uber of therapy?

Being different will get you to stand out, but being familiar is what gets you understood.

And you need to be understood to be liked.

And you need to be liked if you’re going to succeed.

Heed the advice: know your anchor point.

It’s not there to hold you back. It’s there for the exact opposite.

Stay Positive & Be The Banksy Of Your Craft

Squeezing It In

What you’re able to squeeze in can be your differentiator.

Do you squeeze in time to see a friend or see an extra patient?

Do you squeeze in education each day – reading, learning a new language, etc.,?

Do you squeeze in a moment to tell your significant other what you appreciate them amid all the tasks and to-dos of the day?

It’s not magic to make time, but it is magic when you make time.

Stay Positive & Time To Exercise Your Time