The Single Most Rudimentary Lesson About Advertising That People Don’t Realize

It’s been a great holiday with a lot of traveling and for once, watching some television. Making it an understatement, I saw a myriad advertisements. After seeing each one, I thought to myself, “absolutely no one will buy that because they saw this sign,” “no one will call the number because of the poster,” “no one will request the free information because the commercial tells them to.”

I had my advertising epiphany.

Advertising isn’t about creating action, getting someone to call, to buy, to request free information, even though it appears that way. No. Advertising is about creating a sense of familiarity because one day the world will work it’s weirdness and someone will need to call a lawyer because they know someone who suffered a heart attack from taking a specific type of doctor prescribed drug.

When that time does come, they will search for lawyers and notice one specific law firm. It will stick out for some reason, possibly stir some memory. It’s unlikely they will remember they saw an advertisement on a billboard for it, but that doesn’t matter, the sense of familiarity is there.

That familiarity, that’s what advertising is all about. That’s what creates profits. That’s why it’s okay for advertisers to blow money like crazy on what appears to be a pointless billboard advertisement.


An Interrelationship Trend To: Success, Business, Self-Growth

Success, Business, and Self-Growth magazines all incorporate a common trend.

Can you guess what it is? Hint: It is an advertisement.

I love learning new languages because of the joy of it but also the benefits of knowing more than one language. You may recall my blog post How To Become 3+ Billion Times More Connected, Successful, and Happy where I write about the idea that those who teach you how to speak, teach you how to think. Now can you guess what advertisement you will find in each type of magazine?

“No one is the worse for knowing two languages” – Oliver Mowat

Rosetta Stone

It hit me in the head, like an unexpected gust of wind, one day when I was reading Success Magazine and saw the advertisement for Rosetta Stone. Of course, Rosetta Stone would purchase advertising space in these magazines in addition to Traveling magazines. Why?

  • Business Owners are in the top half of polyglot’s
  • Success comes to those who can connect with the most people – which is exactly what learning another language allows you to do
  • It takes a trained mind to focus and learn a new language
  • “Insert your own explanation here”

A Brian Tracy Story

If you have followed my blog, you know that I have joined Toastmasters and am constantly working at improving my public speaking abilities. Well, as a surprise, my friend filled out an application for Brian Tracy’s Speaking Academy without my knowledge. A few days ago she forwarded me the email that stated I was accepted into the limited class of 12. The director of events provided the details of the event and also added that it would cost over eight thousand dollars. As much as I would have loved to go to the Speaking Academy, it would be a stretch to get the money for tickets and a hotel to stay in San Diego while I attended. As odd as it may be, I was interested in the type of credentials that were necessary to get an employment position for Brian Tracy International – so I Googled the director of events’ name and found her LinkedIn profile. Who would have guessed?  Her specialties: Fluent in Spanish and Italian, and speak conversational French and Mandarin Chinese.


I know not. It is not only a common trend in Success, Business and Self-Growth magazines, knowing more than one language is the most common trend in the majority of successful business CEO’s, directors, associates, etc.

What do you think?

Stay Positive and Polly-Wanna-Learn-A-New-Language

Garth E. Beyer

I do have to add that the advertisement stated the following “He was a hard working farm boy.     She was an Italian supermodel.    He knew he would have just one chance to impress her.” Would it be uncalled for to also say that those who know multiple languages, have the most beautiful arm candy?