This Is My Story

If you’re reading this post to read about my story, sorry to disappoint you, you won’t exactly find it spelled out for you.

Actually, you won’t find anyones story by reading a pamphlet, viewing a page or reading a blog post titled “our story.” At least, not the whole story. Only half.

Johnny, founder of Johnny Cupcakes has a phenomenal story presented through Q&A, well worth the read. Yet, his story about dropping out of college to create Johnny Cupcakes is just half of the story. The other half is what you tell yourself his story is. So it goes with businesses and brands, if enough people tell themselves the same other half of the story, that’s when you have a successful brand or business.

It just so happens, for Johnny, enough people tell themselves the story that if they wear his shirts and get asked about them, they might feel as if they, not just Johnny, are inspired to chase their dreams.

That’s what branding and stories are all about isn’t it. It’s about how you make people feel.


Stay Positive & Life Is Good

Where’s The Party At

Holiday networking parties are fun. Any networking event is, actually.

However, the problem I see at most networking events is that everyone goes there to network with each other and forget about everyone else who is at the same venue but not there for the networking.

I love networking events because everyone at the venue who isn’t there for the event is curious about the event. “Why is everyone in suits?” It’s a great moment to sell yourself, build your tribe and establish trust with someone who will actually purchase what you have to offer. (It’s pretty hard to sell your consulting time to people who are also public relations specialists.)

This is why I divvy up my time at events.

1/2 time: to socialize and get your face recognized with those in your entrepreneurial environment and who are there for the same reason as you.

1/2 time: to socialize and get your name remembered by those you can actually help and who didn’t know about you previously.

You know where the party is. Networking events give you the opportunity to bring the party to other people who are at the venue for different reasons.


Stay Positive & You Gotta Fight For Your Right

Your Audience Is More Open Than You Think

When you create more connections, you’re bound to be more open. That’s something I love about the current state of society and the people in it.


Part of me feels that I have Facebook and Twitter to thank for making people more open. Another part realizes that it is just a beneficial byproduct of the connection economy.

Yet, I see businesses and freelancers running with their arms held close to their chest so they don’t hit anyone, so they don’t make themselves open, so they don’t seem vulnerable. This is trite and counterintuitive.

I can barely begin to tell you how many people have told me things about themselves and their lives that they would never have mentioned eight years ago. Respectively, I owe it to them to be just as open (which is in our advantage).

It’s not a matter of mutual generosity, it’s more a risk at creating a symbol of trust.

This calls for you to reciprocate that risk. When you see that others are doing or acting as you do, you feel comfortable, you feel in place, you feel more willing to trust and invest in what that person is offering.

Just the same. If you want the business of those who are very open about themselves and their lives, you need to be open too.

This is why storytelling has become the largest importance of businesses, why brand matters, why sales are made on trust, not shininess.


Stay Positive & Open Sesame

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit

A List Of 30 Lists


A list of…

  1. What you are thankful for
  2. The moments in life you felt most alive
  3. This week’s goals
  4. Goals to be met within five years
  5. 99 ridiculous things you want to do before you die (no limit on possibility)
  6. What is stopping you from doing what you need to do
  7. What is stopping you from doing what you want to do (yes, they’re different)
  8. Every book you have read (not a list of every book you want to read!)
  9. Sources of inspiration
  10. Places you want to visit (test: can’t be on the first page of a Google search)
  11. Websites/podcasts that you must visit weekly, if not daily
  12. Your top 10 bad habits to break
  13. All the contacts you have made and something special about them
  14. Songs that get you moving
  15. Every source you have been quoted or mentioned
  16. What you want in a significant other
  17. Ideas that have been rejected, laughed at, or you didn’t deem as “good enough”
  18. Things to feel okay about (here is a start)
  19. What you don’t need to make a list for (things you do naturally, habitually)
  20. What you want your kids to know that you didn’t know growing up
  21. Mistakes you have made
  22. What you learned from those mistakes
  23. Things to admit now that you will later, anyway (here’s some ideas)
  24. Hurdles that have stopped you in the past
  25. What you love
  26. How you are different from other people, what makes you a niche
  27. What is happening right now without your effort that is building your brand
  28. People you want to meet in the next 10 years
  29. Your personal bests (running, blogging, audience count, viewers, subscribers)
  30. What is stopping you from making these lists when you know it will only help you

Stay Positive & Get Going

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit