It’s time to clean up: your mind, your home, your hallways.
What junk do you have? The answer to that is your starting place.
Now think of what you could create out of that junk that has a realistic purpose, that you could possibly sell or market?
If you thought deeply about these questions. You will realize that the list of items you thought were junk in the first question got longer when you thought about the second question. Suddenly the metal figurine you have has become “junk” because you could combine it with the putty you have in your drawer.
This takes recycling to an entirely new level.
New ideas, I would argue, are just the result of reorganized or modified junk ideas. It’s incredible what happens when you consider more items or thoughts to be junk status. Being handed a box of 6 odd objects (junk) and told to create something worthy out of them is much more difficult to do if you were handed a box of 60 odd objects (more junk) and told to create something worthy from them.
Maybe it’s not junk, but no one tweaks with treasure, do they? Keep in mind, believing that something is a treasure limits what you have to work with in your box of junk.
Stay Positive & One Person’s Treasure Is Another Person’s Junk
What do you have on the inside? What’s in style? What’s in store?
The answers are out there. I mean that literally and figuratively speaking.
The outsiders are the new insiders. In fact, one could go so far as to say that insiders now seek to reflect the trends being created by the outsiders. The outsiders, who are the handlers of grit, gumption, and creative genius, are creating art from the heart.
They are playing with the available tools and blowing raspberries at fear, failure, and malfunction.Outsiders are taking over in all mediums of art.
When you ask an expert what’s new in their industry (any industry!) they’re going to tell you what some person or team recently created, something previously unimagined, something… weird.
Like Sarah Boxer says in the Atlantic, “Out is the new in.”
Stay Positive & Now That You’re In Cahootz, What Will You Create Next?
In the 21st century, we’re more about creating landmarks than we are letting anything of old become one. Good or bad is still to be determined.
Worth mentioning, “a major landmark” has become a buzzword in the business of progress. The overuse has earned itself a lesser meaning.
The following photos are of four real landmarks set in the rural settings of Blackburn, Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale districts of East Lancashire, England.
Artists of all kinds are leaving landmarks for the mass to see. The best part about the 21st century landmarks is that few of the creators sit around gazing at their own work. They are off creating more.
To the 21st century-ers, works of art have become known as landmarks simply by being placed around the world for all to see. Sure, earning recognition, but most of the time artists do so for the pure enjoyment of sharing one’s work rather than credibility, reward, or merit.
Personally, my favorite part about creating a landmark is the moment when you think to yourself onto the next one.
“At a time when it was cool to bend the rules of art, Picasso smashed every one.”
Look at the world of design around us. It’s cool to bend the rules of design. Ogle at what Steve Jobs has done. Even after his accomplishments, I still can’t help but wonder, with the world rewarding those who challenge the status quo and bend the rules of design and connection, who will be the next to smash every one of them?
Newton only cared about analyzing everything and proving ideas with mathematics. Newton had a fixed idea about life and how it worked. He created laws instead of breaking them. A man who studied outward rather than inward.
Einstein is about creativity. He thought about macro and micro level moments of life and how they can’t be broken down to mathematics. The macro and the micro is of the ether, of uncertainty, of fear, and creativity. Rather than create laws, Einstein went on a crusade against them, against stereotypes, against the impossible. A man of originality and intellect.
There’s a reason why Einstein, not Newton, is synonymous with genius.