Can You Do It Better

Of course you can, there is always room for improvement. But, I’ll admit, you will get to that point when you don’t want to put in the effort. Maybe it’s because you won’t get acknowledged for your effort, you don’t get paid enough, or you’re stretching the expectations of your job further than your boss may want you to.

I am in full support of finding and executing more ways to do what you have to do better. When you get to that point where you don’t want to (or do not have the freedom to) do any better, that’s when you stay just ahead of the game and work on your muse.

You don’t need to quit your job to fulfill your goals as an artist. Nor do you need to work your way all the way to the top of your current job to be able to support yourself as an artist.

If 4 is the best. Put 3 toward your job and 1 toward your muse. You don’t need a 4-0 or 0-4 ratio.


Stay Positive & Don’t Tell Me There’s No Way… You Can Do Better Than That

Garth E. Beyer

Unknown Fact

What if I told you the most unknown fact about life is that you end up putting in the same amount of effort to do as little as possible as you would if you had the bar raised and hopes high?

And all that fills the divide is passion.

And passion is the single best indicator of whether you are on the right path or not.

Makes you wonder why you considered the easy route in the first place.


Stay Positive & Life Gets Simple When You See The Facts

Garth E. Beyer

Take Time

Take time to figure yourself out.

Take time to realize what it is you want.

Take time to forget.

Take time to remember.

Take time to forgive.

Take time to decide.

Take time to love.

Take time to risk.

Take time to reply.

And then, when you’re finally ready, when the moment finally feels perfect, when there is no more doubt, you won’t have any time.

Act now, Ship today, Give everyday, Tell your feelings immediately, Decide quickly and accurately, Take A Risk, Make it short,


Stay Positive & Keep Giving It Your All

Garth E. Beyer

Cool thing is that by acting now, you have more time to recover, change strategy, or try something new – and that will make all the difference.

I’m A Writer

Oh heavens above does this feel good. I’ve been writing or researching for my writings for nearly 10 hours now. It’s three hours from midnight and I am still going. This feeling of being what I have always wanted to be excites my emotions and makes me want to assist others in feeling the same. You ask what it takes, I say it takes time (clearly) and effort (even more clearly). You ask how? Well that is what I want to work with you on. Email me:


Prep To Destroy

Have you ever realized how much you have to prepare to destroy something?

Before a house can be torn down, you have to call two – five different “garbage” companies: one for the glass, one for the metal, one for the wood, one for the crud left inside and one for whatever is left.

Figuratively speaking, you even have to prepare for children to kick down the tower of blocks they made. They need to make sure they hit it at an angle that the blocks don’t go flying and hitting the cat or ending up under the couch.

It takes even more preparation to destroy part of something. If you need to do that, you’re better off starting from scratch. The time and effort you have to invest to prevent the parts you want to keep from falling down with the rest can be better spent building something better, more creatively and with a stronger frame.

A bridge won’t last if you only fix up half of it. That is like putting a band-aid on something that needs to be stitched. It may hold for a short period of time but with too much use it will tear open and bleed.

Simply putting it, destroying half or part of anything; a brand, a business, or a tower of blocks will not make you more successful. It will only postpone the total destruction, if not make it worse when it occurs.

There are two points to the “Prep To Destroy” concept.

1. The more simple and less time you put towards building something, the easier it is for someone to tear it down. The smaller and less stable it is, the less time someone has to put toward preparing to destroy it – survival of the fittest (the weakest are attacked first). Build something stable, don’t just focus on the infrastructure, focus on it all.

2. The time it takes to build something is relative to the time it would take for it to crumble down and be destroyed. It may take you 10 years to write that book you want, 20 to start the business you want or 30 to teach and build a team of incredible people but no one will spend that much time trying to tear any of that apart.


Stay Positive & Create Something Indestructible

Garth E. Beyer

What It Means to Be A Minimalist

Being a minimalist isn’t entirely about throwing out all you have and settling for less. Ask any minimalist, there is no settling and very few things get thrown out (apart from when you transition from being a stereotypical consumer *see end).

Being a minimalist is about being satisfied with what you have. It’s about living in Zen, not trying to live in it.  After all, you know what they say about Zen. The only Zen you find on the top of the mountain, is the Zen you bring up there.

Being a minimalist does not mean you can’t have wants, it just means that your wants are the same as your needs. The reason so few can become minimalistic is that it takes a powerful mind and an even more powerful understanding of what you need to live, to be content, to be happy or whatever word you want to use for a quality of life.

Being a minimalist isn’t completely about having money, saving money or spending money. A minimalist can save all the money they make but it doesn’t bring them happiness or excitement in having a lot of money. What it does bring is freedom and peace. Minimalist’s think neither of having money saved or spending the saved money.

Being a minimalist is a mental state. A state in which is content  and happy with the avoidance of negativity, arguments and emotional attachments.

Being a minimalist does not mean that they can carry all of their possessions in a backpack or suitcase. It means that whatever the size of case it takes to contain their items, it bears no weight.

Lastly, being  minimalist is about minimizing to a degree you’re comfortable with, a phase in which you are free.


Stay Positive & Try Freedom, Not Torture

Garth E. Beyer

Down and Out Route To Success

“Not for too long”

I’m going to use a personal example, only because I know you can relate. All my life, I was told not to push it. To not do something for too long. To not over-do it. My parents knew I would burn out. If I was on the computer too long, I would get a migraine. If I lifted really heavy weights, I would pull a muscle. If I worked 10 or 11 hour days in construction, I would get muscle strain in my back. If I tried to memorize everything the night before a test, my brain would be kaput in the morning. I burned out, I crashed, essentially I failed.

Sound familiar?

You get pushed down. You get hit. You fall repetitively. You fail over and over.  Yet, somehow, you never fail to get up. It’s something engrained into your character, your heart and your minds desire to constantly adapt and improve. Setback is only temporary. It may last a day, a week, a year, but it will always subside and something will replace it: Success

Down and Out

When you burn out from doing something. You’re being gets that much better at doing it. How about the time you got sick because you stayed up too late for a few nights. Yet, the next month you were up late four days in a row and turned out fine. Or what about the time you got a headache from writing at your computer for 6 hours straight. Yet, after getting 3 more headaches, your average writing time at your computer became the same as a full-time job – with ease. You will noticeably experience this at least a few times each month that you are able to perform harder, put forth more effort, dedicate more time to the things that you constantly burn out doing. In fact, this is actually the source of constant adaptation.


Stay Positive & Failure Is Friendly To Those Who Don’t Fight It

Garth E. Beyer