What More Do You Got?

What More Do You Got?

Junk Drawer Gift Shop

Once you’ve met your promise, it pays to exceed expectations.

After all, expectations have more weight than promises.

However, exceeding expectations doesn’t mean you have to blow someone’s mind. It can be about adding something little.

It can be a grocery bagger asking if there is anything else he can do for you.

It’s adding a pin, a mint, a random goonies playcard in one’s package like Johnny Cupcakes.

It’s giving someone access to a part of your site that they never knew about before they bought your book.

By all means, set out to give something remarkable to the world, but be open to the ways you can surprise someone with more. If you’re a funny brand, this might be the perfect opportunity to clear out your junk drawers. If you’re an author, maybe it’s worth sending a copy of the book that inspired you when you were little.

What more do you got is a rhetorical question.

The better one is will you give it or stay comfortable?


Stay Positive & Everyone Loves Surprises

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Expectations Have More Weight Than Promises

Weighing Expectation & Promise

I caught this article on Atlantic this morning. It’s all about making promises. Essentially, when you break a promise, you hurt feelings and disappoint the person(s) you made a promise to.


However, when you exceed a promise, when you go above and beyond what you promise you will do, it’s not much more rewarding than simply meeting the promise.

The research behind it makes me skeptical of businesses making promise’s to their customers and clients. If a PR agency promises they can increase a Twitter following by 500 in a week, and end up increasing it by 1,200, the client merely sees that the agency do what it promises, not that it can do more than it promises. There’s no guarantee they can do that again next week.

Alas, we arrive at the scale, weighing promises against expectations.*

Perhaps it’s not just safer to say “this is what you can expect” instead of “this is what we can promise,” but it’s more beneficial, rewarding, and likely to result in a remarkable experience.

The motto goes “exceed expectations.” You never hear, “exceed promises.”


Stay Positive & What Do You Expect?

*Dan Ariely touches on this in his book predictably irrational and his blog.

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Get good at it.

Nothing will get you to where you want to go quicker, than being quick and overdoing all you currently have.

Do more than is asked, more than expected, and more than you thought was possible.


Stay Positive & Overdose On Your Success

Garth E. Beyer