The Juggler’s Perfection

When I write, I let typos slip, mechanical or grammatical errors to pass, I leave the crossed out words on the page, I keep the notes I wrote in the margin, and in other words, while I juggle all aspects of writing, I drop the ball and make sure everyone notices it.

I call it the Juggler’s perfection.

Have you ever thought what would happen to the Juggling industry if Jugglers never dropped a ball? In other words, what happens to it if failure never participates in the show?

Juggling ceases to be a profession. It is no longer entertaining to watch and there is no point in paying to watch it. The exact reason Jugglers are incredible, get paid to juggle, and amaze people is in the fact that they fail. They drop the ball.

Instead of trying to be perfect, be imperfect perfectly and accept failure as a sign you can still make a living off of it.


Stay Positive & Invite The Jugglers Perfection Into Your Muse, Work, Passion

Garth E. Beyer

Success Isn’t How High You Bounce

They say “Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom”, I say that success is taking the risks you took that made you hit bottom. How high is completely dependent on how hard you hit the ground. In fact, even if you didn’t bounce back when you hit the ground, you are still successful. You took a risk. You took a fall. You took a failure. That is something only rare people do, something only successful people do and something this world needs done more often.

After all, look at Galileo. He became famous for dropping things and letting them hit the ground. You can too.


Stay Positive & Bouncing Back Is The Unpronounced Law Of The Universe

Garth E. Beyer

Down and Out Route To Success

“Not for too long”

I’m going to use a personal example, only because I know you can relate. All my life, I was told not to push it. To not do something for too long. To not over-do it. My parents knew I would burn out. If I was on the computer too long, I would get a migraine. If I lifted really heavy weights, I would pull a muscle. If I worked 10 or 11 hour days in construction, I would get muscle strain in my back. If I tried to memorize everything the night before a test, my brain would be kaput in the morning. I burned out, I crashed, essentially I failed.

Sound familiar?

You get pushed down. You get hit. You fall repetitively. You fail over and over.  Yet, somehow, you never fail to get up. It’s something engrained into your character, your heart and your minds desire to constantly adapt and improve. Setback is only temporary. It may last a day, a week, a year, but it will always subside and something will replace it: Success

Down and Out

When you burn out from doing something. You’re being gets that much better at doing it. How about the time you got sick because you stayed up too late for a few nights. Yet, the next month you were up late four days in a row and turned out fine. Or what about the time you got a headache from writing at your computer for 6 hours straight. Yet, after getting 3 more headaches, your average writing time at your computer became the same as a full-time job – with ease. You will noticeably experience this at least a few times each month that you are able to perform harder, put forth more effort, dedicate more time to the things that you constantly burn out doing. In fact, this is actually the source of constant adaptation.


Stay Positive & Failure Is Friendly To Those Who Don’t Fight It

Garth E. Beyer

The Business Sport Of Soreness

Business is a lot like sports.

When you play a sport for the first time, you get sore, but through the soreness your muscles and body improve and grow in order for you to play the sport better. After a good few months of playing and practicing, your body no longer gets sore. Then what? The average activist would go on playing the sport only to find that they are making little improvement in their physique and skills. The intelligent activist would switch up the training routine whether it is by doing a different kind of sport (preferred) or merely working directly on separate strengths necessary for the sport. If you are not feeling the soreness, something is wrong. That means you are in your comfort zone, that you have plateaued and will develop very small improvements, if any.

In businesses, the soreness is called failure, often created from mistakes which were made because you are training and practicing. If you are not feeling any businesses soreness, then you are either not training hard enough or you need to change your routine to succeed any further. Don’t let your body or your business plateau, avoid habitual “sport” strategies.

In the Business Sport of Soreness competitors die standing still.

Stay Positive & Be The Winner, Not competitor

Garth E. Beyer

The One Quality You Need To Be A Successful Expert

Muse + Quality = Success

Doctors, fitness trainers, entrepreneurs, marketers, writers, you name it, they all have a similar problem when they become experts on their muse. The problem is that the more you know, the more exposed you are to the harms, negatives and possible downfalls of the topic. This happens as a result of learning all you can about your muse in combination with that fact that in order to be successful in any work place, you need to know as many failures as possible and how to solve them. I am going to give you a few examples of what happens when these muse workers don’t maintain this one quality they need and see if you can guess what the quality is.

  • A doctor begins seeing a small rash on his arm and diagnosis it as skin cancer.
  • A personal trainer assesses her leg soreness and comes to the conclusion that she has severe shin splints.
  • An entrepreneur knows the expected outcome of a plan so she doesn’t follow through.

The trend with these examples – and you can find the same trend in any expert field – is that they let their knowledge, fears and expectations combine to assume a terrible outcome. A regular person, having little knowledge about playing doctor just thinks they have a rash that will go away in a few days if they take care of it. It does. A person going to the gym for the first time and upon exiting, realizes that their legs are sore. They will shrug, call it a good workout and go ice them without the thought of any terrible condition. It never turns out to be. An entrepreneur upon his first time creating a business, follows through with the plan and the outcome turned out successful, against what other “experts” thought.

The fact is that as you gain knowledge about your muse, you gain power over the outcome and in order to have a positive outcome, you have to maintain a positive attitude. The one quality you need to be a successful expert is to Stay Positive (sound familiar?). You can’t let what you now know, limit yourself. The rules, the outcomes, the results are all based on your attitude.

The more you know, the more you have to fear.

Stay Positive & Become An Expert In That First

Garth E. Beyer

The Flaw Of Succeeding

Just because you succeed, does not make you successful.

Agreeably, you learn so much from failure if you choose to view it as progress and not a setback. Admittadly, success hardly teaches you anything. In fact, you learn very little from success because what got you there were the lessons you learned from failure. 

What defines you as a successful person when you succeed is not the completed task, it is when you learn as much from it as you do from failure.

The prevention of this learning is due to the idea that success is a place that you can stop at. When you succeed, you feel you have arrived. But in reality, success is a journey and the only way to become successful is to learn as much as possible on that journey. You have the power and responsibility (insert Spiderman cliché’ here) to learn from your successes as much, if not more than your failures.

Two weeks ago I interviewed for a new job position. The day after the interview, I got the job. Woohoo! While discussing the position and signing papers, I was asked if I had any questions about the new job. What I then did was ask my boss and supervisor what they thought I could do to improve my interview skills.

What? I already got the job, who cares! Right?


 If I asked you if you could be more successful than you are now? You would doubtlessly say yes. The only way to do that is to improve in every factor of your life. Sure I nailed the interview with the hammer of confidence and got the job but that does not mean I couldn’t learn more from it. So I asked them what the highlights and downturns were of my interview. I succeeded in getting the job, but that does not mean I reached my destination. It does not mean I learned all I needed.

Since there is always room for improvement, there is always room for more success. And if you are not going to learn from failures because you succeed in something, force yourself to learn everything you can about your success and how to succeed further, because you can, because you deserve to, because success is a journey and not a destination.

Stay Positive & Succeed As If You Failed

Garth E. Beyer