In The Box Podcast

Episode 26: Victim, Attention, “It Just Feels Right,” Social Media And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about labeling people, if social media is important for every business to have, one quote Michael loves, best method for maintaining focus, and whether you can communicate to someone who what you’re selling will feel right to them.


Episode 26: Victim, Attention, “It Just Feels Right,” Social Media And More

Social media – How important is social media to a business?

Quote – What is one quote you love and why?

Victim – Does calling a “victim” a “victim” actually negatively impact the individual on the receiving end of the unwanted act?

Attention – Name the best method you have found to maintain your attention span and not succumb to all the potential distractions around you?

Bonus – How do you communicate that something feels right?


Stay Positive & You’re Awesome For Listening (That’s My Label To You)

In The Box Podcast

Episode 25: Feedback, Stopping Business Growth, Convincing Vs Converting And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we chatted about when you should stop growing your business (Yup, STOP growing it), the tiers of keeping in touch with people, the difference between convincing and converting as well as the difference between being defensive and seeking to be understood. As always, we had a bonus topic (bonus in the sense of always random, thought of in the moments before starting the podcast) where we talked about what advice we would give someone who has a tough time asking for or receiving feedback.

Enjoy. Then enjoy some more.

Episode 25: Feedback, Stopping Business Growth, Convincing Vs Converting And More

Growth – What is one indicator that you should stop growing your business?

Keeping in touch – Is sending an email considered “keep in touch”? or does one need to meet another face-to-face to keep a strong relationship?

Facts – What is the best way to convince someone to accept a fact is true?

Defensive vs Understanding – What is your interpretation of the difference between being defensive and seeking to be understood?

Bonus – What advice would you give someone who has a tough time asking for/receiving feedback?


Stay Positive & Experience Trumps Facts And Figures


In The Box Podcast

Episode 24: Serial Project Creator, Getting A Read Of Someone, One Word To Grow By And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about creating multiple projects versus one solid quality project every now and then. We also dove into what it means to turn from a freelancer to an entrepreneur, the mindset to have when loaning money, what to do when you simply can’t get a read on someone, and Michael shared one word to grow by (and why) Enjoy.

Episode 24: Serial Project Creator, Getting A Read Of Someone, One Word To Grow By And More

To be successful – Generally speaking, to be successful do you always need to be serially creating projects?

Freelancer to entrepreneur – What’s one way you can go from a freelancer to an entrepreneur?

Pay back – At what point (how much money) do you ask someone to pay you back?

Get a read – What’s the first thing you do when you can’t get a read on someone?

Grow – What is one word to grow by?


Stay Positive & What’s Your One Word To Grow By?

In The Box Podcast

Episode 23: Principle Of Least Interest, Promoting Efficiency, Finding Your Audience And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about getting comfortable with admitting you don’t know something, how the principle of least interest can function for the better, how to promote efficiency when two people are doing the same task, what the best reward is you can give someone who has done great work, and how to find an audience. Enjoy and be sure to subscribe.

Episode 23: Principle Of Least Interest, Promoting Efficiency, Finding Your Audience And More

I don’t know – One way to get comfortable with saying ‘I don’t know”

Principle of least interest – Do you believe in the principle of least interest

Promote efficiency – Does pitting friends against each other for a reward function effectively as a way to promote efficiency?

Work rewards – What is the best reward to give someone for their hard work?

Bonus – What is one way for a business person to find their audience?


Stay Positive & Surround Yourself By People Who Are All In

In The Box Podcast

Episode 22: Stealing Ideas, Working With Narcissists, Making Art For Yourself And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we took a stab at answer questions about making art for others or for yourself, one way to gain clarity when faced with a decision between two options, why people fear their ideas getting stolen, one way to handle a heavier workload (likely due to a promotion) and what to do when engaging with a narcissist. Enjoy.

Episode 22: Stealing Ideas, Working With Narcissists, Making Art For Yourself And More

Art – Make art for self or others?

Decisions – One way to gain clarity when confused about making a decision?

Stolen – Should people fear their ideas being stolen?

Responsibility load – What is one way to handle being given more responsibility (think like getting a promotion)?

Bonus – One way to deal with interacting with a narcissist?


Stay Positive & Remember to subscribe

In The Box Podcast

Episode 21: Advice, Delighting Customers, Practicing Patience And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we discussed how to acknowledge the viewpoint of others when you disagree with them, how to handle the desire for others to understand your point of view, how one can build patience, if it’s better to seek advice or wait until it’s given, and a couple of ways businesses can delight customers. Enjoy.

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Episode 21: Advice, Delighting Customers, Practicing Patience And More

Patience – What’s one way you practice patience?

Advice – Do you think it’s better to seek advice or wait for someone to give you advice without asking?

Acknowledge – What is one way to acknowledge the viewpoint of others even if you disagree?

Understanding – How much do you desire for others to understand your POV?

Delight customers – What is one way businesses can delight customers?


Stay Positive & It’s A Lot About Mental Preparation

In The Box Podcast

Episode 20: Not Knowing, New Info, Focus vs Multitasking And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we chatted about effectively managing time, how one comes to terms with their own mortality, if we operate better while multitasking, how to come to terms with not knowing and how to shed old worldviews.

Episode 20: Not Knowing, New Info, Focus vs Multitasking And More

Time – How do you effectively manage your time? (One tool/tip)

Mortality – What is one way you come to terms with your own mortality?

Focus vs Multitasking – Is our power/intellect at its prime when we focus on one thing or does multitasking require more skill?

Not knowing – How can we come to terms with not knowing? ex: not knowing if it will work, not knowing if we should try, etc.

New Info – How do you critically engage new info that is different from a previously held strong belief?


Stay Positive & What’s One Way You Mange Your Time?