“Really, Though, If You Had To Choose X Or Y…”

You can choose not to play that game.

A kerfuffle occurred this morning with a coworker and myself. I stated I didn’t want to take the couch my parents were willing to give me because I wanted to buy a new, more functional, appealing and comfortable one.

Have you ever met someone who likes to sporadically get you to play a game of Would You Rather? Here was his response.

“Would you rather have a new couch or go on a short road trip?”

I chose both.

He’s choosing to play the game. I’m not. A lot of games, this one in particular, are mentally and ambitiously crippling. When you choose to play, I see it as eliminating a possibility in your mind to get what you want in the real world. Forcing yourself to choose is self-limitation.

For those who want you to choose between X or Y, let them play with themselves.


Stay Positive & You Go Have It All

The Reason Buyers Never Buy Big And Dreamers Dream Too Small

The buyers have a mindset preventing them from succeeding because they have been taught that they have limits they can’t pass. The same goes for dreamers.

The dreamer only dreams of living in a mansion or directly on the coast of California. The buyer thinks of purchasing a house just big enough for her family and a good 15 blocks away from the coast.For the actual capabilities of her, of a person, even you, to achieve this – well, it’s easy.

Eliminate the restraints that both dreamers and buyers have in their minds and you have a dreamer dreaming of owning a private island and a buyer getting a yacht to go with it. The saying can go “if you’re going to dream, dream big”, “if you’re going to buy, buy big”, but both are meaningless as long as the limitations are there – and they are. They are there for the upper class, the middle class (who suffer the most from the mental hindrance), and even the lower class.

Every person has this nudge when going after something they really want, that they should settle for something just okay, something they can deal with. Stop it. By having the attitude of only dreaming and buying things that are just “good enough”, you are creating a world filled with just that. Personally, I will take the private island and the yacht over an apartment and a dinky car that will just get me by. In fact, don’t mind if I do.


Stay Positive & How About You?

Garth E. Beyer