8 Habits That Make Successful People Remarkable

8 Habits That Make Successful People Remarkable

How To Be Remarkable

1) No plan B: They choose not to have an alternative, a backup, a second choice. When the only way is forward, what choice do you have?

2) They don’t just wake up early. They wake up early and get shit done: That might be time to meditate and reflect or set up the game plan for the day or to exercise. As weird as it is, people are still amazed how early successful people wake up and start their day.

3) Shun the naysayers: They ignore the critics, avoid the crowds and shun the naysayers. They become successful and remarkable because they don’t let anyone in their circle that would stop them from it.

4) Proud, but humble: They cheer on their own victories within. They may celebrate with others, but pride stays inside.

5) Surprise: Successful people continue to give more, add more value to what they create before they ship and surprise those with the unexpected. They take the extra time between “done” and “shipped” to add unexpected value.

6) Along with surprise, they remain interesting: This is my favorite example.

7) Unconventional: They do what others might not in a way they wouldn’t. Essentially, they accentuate the weird.

8) Bring Engagement: In all they do, all they create, they engage in conversation, build interaction, and involve others.



What they don’t do: Seek perfection, wait to be chosen, settle, follow status quo, listen to their lizard brain, gossip, define success with money, accept information without questioning it.


Stay Positive & Go Be Remarkable, Success Will Follow

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The Best Way To Secure Success For Tomorrow

The Best Way To Secure Success For Tomorrow

Stock For Today

…is to secure success today.

Instead of creating, writing, designing for those who may not arrive tomorrow, care for those who show up today.

Instead of spending time stocking the walls for tomorrow, figure out how you can create an experience people can’t help but remark about today.

We lose sight of success when we look at tomorrow at the expense of today.


Stay Positive & “I’m here now, give me a reason to bring someone back with me tomorrow.”

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Mind The Gap, Fill The Void

Mind The Gap, Fill The Void

Mind The Gap, Fill The Void

Remarkable ideas are made by finding a void and filling it, finding a unique problem and solving it, finding a neglected world view and creating a new way to promote it.

Everything you think is remarkable wasn’t, at one point, thought about by a large number of people, but those who thought about it, thought a lot about it.

Remarkable ideas are built on the foundation of one thing and of a few people.

What chasm are you filling? Who are you connecting? What void are you populating?


Stay Positive & Don’t Forget What Makes Your Idea Remarkable

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They Weren’t Always The Way They Are

They Weren’t Always The Way They Are

Conversations And Opinions Change

Richard Branson. Bernadette Jiwa. Chris Brogan. These idols of ours, they weren’t always this remarkable, this flawless, this all-knowing, this helpful.

Jump back to page 400 of Seth Godin’s blog and notice how different the style of writing is.

Listen to the first few podcasts of Debbie Millman or James Altucher and notice how different their conversations are.

Watch some of Tim Ferriss’s old YouTube videos compared to what he rolls out today.

They weren’t always the way they are now. Through falling, failure, and feedback, they’ve come a long way. However!

If we asked any one of our idols if they are happy with where they are at, they would say there is still room for improvement, that they’re still tweaking things, still trying new ways of communicating, of growing.

The way they are now won’t be the way they are 20 months from now either.

You can’t glide at remarkable, you can’t plateau at incredible, you can’t pause at excellent. These labels are only stamped on those who keep moving forward. It doesn’t do anyone justice when we just accept that someone is talented.

Nor does it do us justice to think we can’t also work to where our idols are at now. They’ve made it to remarkable and work to stay that way. Why can’t/shouldn’t/won’t we?


Stay Positive & Let’s Do It

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The Follower Outbreak

The Follower Outbreak

The Follower Outbreak

If your goal is to get to the phase where you have 100 new followers a day or that moment when you finally go viral, you may be missing the point of why you do the work you’re doing.

The remarkable writer, lawyer or any artist for that matter doesn’t need 20k followers to make a living off their art. They don’t need an outbreak of followers to be successful. What they need is a tribe.

A tribe is a group of people like you. That’s why it’s great to make your “about me” page more of a “people like me…” page, as in, people like me are fearless or people like me live to debate or people like me just can’t help but write. It lets people who come across you know you’re just like them, that they have found the right tribe.

There is no specific cap on the number of tribe members you can have. There is, however, always a breaking point when you can’t turn the strangers that follow you into friends because you’ve exceeded your capacity of engagement.

Imagine you are getting 50 new strangers following you a day starting tomorrow. How will you make them feel part of your tribe?

Difficult, huh? And time consuming.

If the follower outbreak is what you’re going for, reflect on how much experience you’re giving up. By aiming for the mass, you miss making the smaller connections with people who really care about your work, and who you may even learn from.

And if you’re looking for monetary success, the number of followers you have rarely indicates how much you will make. If you were to divide your followers up by friends and strangers, it is the friends who you can rely on to download your ebook, to share your starter kit, to call on your for consultation services. These friends make up your tribe. Treat them well.

Building a tribe is a slow process, but far more rewarding than an outbreak of followers.


Stay Positive & They Are Only Strangers Until You Turn Them Into Friends

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It’s A Science, Well, Sorta

Building your business and brand is a lot like baking brownies or brewing beer. You can get all science-y. You can have everything perfectly measured, perfectly timed, and at the perfect temperature. It takes a ton of work, attention, and, arguably, stress. But it can be done.

The catch is by following the rules so closely, you don’t produce anything new.

Sure you can brew an incredible beer and build an incredible business, but nothing is as remarkable as something that is both incredible and new.

When you know where you’re going to arrive, it’s best to try new ways of getting there.

Certainly learn from science, but don’t stick to it.


Stay Positive & Skip Science, Try Art

How Remarkable Are You?

How Remarkable Are You?


When I click a link that should go to a Squidoo page, but it doesn’t because Hubpages bought Squidoo, it makes me sad.

I want to stop going to Dlux, a restaurant in Madison, because the bartender tricked me into paying $7 dollars for a beer he lead me to believe was only $3 dollars. He acknowledged that he mislead me after I was halfway through with the beer. I was still charged $7. He should have just charged me the $3 for the one and if I wanted another one he would charge me the regular price. It would have cost him $4 to keep a regular customer. Fortunately for them I love Dlux too much to quit going there because of this experience.

I really dislike how often Anais Nin shows up on BrainPickings. Anais is Maria Popova’s favorite. BrainPicking is so remarkable that I simply disregard the Anais references.

Are people saying things like this about your blog, your business, your product or service?

It takes a lot to be remarkable and it’s not always so easy to know if you are remarkable. 5 star reviews, RTs and likes aren’t always the best indicator if you’re remarkable or not.

Remarkable is knowing people will miss you if you were gone. Remarkable is when customers stick around through your small errors. Remarkable isn’t just loyalty, it’s an emotional form of trust.


Stay Positive & What Are You Doing To Be Remarkable?

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