Habit Is A Daily Thing

Habit is what you do today, not what you did yesterday or what you will do tomorrow. If you disagree, let me ask you this:

The first day that you begin something that you want to consistently do each day, is that not considered a habit?

If not, then when is what you do finally a habit? I love habits because you can only measure them by the day. I love habits because you can only break them by the day. I say this, not to persuade you to agree, but to encourage to keep at your goals each day.

It’s much like the idea of being one bite away from getting back on your diet. Don’t let the lack of doing something yesterday stop you from doing it today. Just the same, don’t let the inability to do something over the weekend stop you from doing it today.

When it comes to habit, numbers mean nothing. All that matters is today and if you do what you set out to do.


Stay Positive & Deal With Tomorrow,  Tomorrow

Garth E. Beyer

They Are All Lies

Lies that you tell yourself after seeing someone being successful or remarkable:

They were born with more talent than me

They are fearless

I can’t make the same committment that they make

They have more time than me

They don’t have to worry about x, y, or z like I do

I would have to get into Harvard if I wanted to end up like them

It’s so easy for them

They’ve had all the support from the beginning

They never fail


Stay Positive & Quit Lying To Yourself

Garth E. Beyer

How I Do It (personal)


About six months ago, someone really close to me asked me how I do all that I do?

That wasn’t the first time I was asked; almost anyone that cares enough to hear my story and ask what I’m up to ends up also asking me how I do all that I do.

And here is what I figured out this morning (six months after truly being asked how I do all that I do):

I am willing to invest my time in doing something that might not pay off.

That’s all it comes down to.

I used to be ignorant and think that people didn’t want to be successful, that they would come up with excuse after excuse to not become successful (including not knowing what success is to them).

Really it’s that they (you?) don’t want to invest the time in doing something that might not pay off. That scares the shit out of us.

So that’s how I do all that I do. And if you want a piece of advice on how to invest time in doing something that might not pay off? Decide that you want it more than you’re afraid of it failing.


Stay Positive & Hopefully Reading My Blog Will Help You Decide

Garth E. Beyer

Repetition Repetition Repetition

Give them something to repeat to others.

That is what is being called forward with you and your work or art. Whether it’s a story about how you have gotten to where you are at or how your creation makes people feel, there has to be something that people can repeat to others.

After all, your rate of success is based on the number of times someone repeats something positive about you to another.


Stay Positive & Remember, No One Made It Big Without Being Talked About

Garth E. Beyer


Swim in it, strive in it, bathe in it. Chaos is the playground of success.

From years of observing and analysing what the successful people in the world do (whatever the definition of success might be), I’ve realized that you can run around like a chicken with its head cut off… and still get creative work done.

Heck, some might argue that’s the best condition to act in.


Stay Positive & Cluck, Cluck

Garth E. Beyer

Your Art Is Terrible

Right now, think of a movie you have seen that flat-out sucked.

Or maybe a book that was so terrible that you wrote a paragraph long review on Amazon (or just tossed the book without finishing it).

Or think of a play that made you feel terrible for the actors because the film itself was awful?

Now notice that the movie got put into production, the book was published, the play was cast and tickets sold.

Some of the worst art gets accepted by the gatekeepers of success. Why?

Because after getting 100 rejection letters, the author kept sending her book out there. The filmmaker kept pushing his film. And the director kept asking to hold the play at this and that venue.

People have bought into crud before. And those artists who had their “crud” showcased, well, they learned more and faster than the artist who quit 10 rejection letters in.

So what if your art is terrible. If terrible is the only place to start, then it’s the best place to start.


Stay Positive & Terrible Should Be A Motivation, Not A Setback

Garth E. Beyer

A List Of 30 Lists


A list of…

  1. What you are thankful for
  2. The moments in life you felt most alive
  3. This week’s goals
  4. Goals to be met within five years
  5. 99 ridiculous things you want to do before you die (no limit on possibility)
  6. What is stopping you from doing what you need to do
  7. What is stopping you from doing what you want to do (yes, they’re different)
  8. Every book you have read (not a list of every book you want to read!)
  9. Sources of inspiration
  10. Places you want to visit (test: can’t be on the first page of a Google search)
  11. Websites/podcasts that you must visit weekly, if not daily
  12. Your top 10 bad habits to break
  13. All the contacts you have made and something special about them
  14. Songs that get you moving
  15. Every source you have been quoted or mentioned
  16. What you want in a significant other
  17. Ideas that have been rejected, laughed at, or you didn’t deem as “good enough”
  18. Things to feel okay about (here is a start)
  19. What you don’t need to make a list for (things you do naturally, habitually)
  20. What you want your kids to know that you didn’t know growing up
  21. Mistakes you have made
  22. What you learned from those mistakes
  23. Things to admit now that you will later, anyway (here’s some ideas)
  24. Hurdles that have stopped you in the past
  25. What you love
  26. How you are different from other people, what makes you a niche
  27. What is happening right now without your effort that is building your brand
  28. People you want to meet in the next 10 years
  29. Your personal bests (running, blogging, audience count, viewers, subscribers)
  30. What is stopping you from making these lists when you know it will only help you

Stay Positive & Get Going

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit