Where The Real Analysis Needs To Take Place

Where The Real Analysis Needs To Take Place

All Signs Point To

After someone makes a transaction, makes their purchase, opens the book, follows through with your call to action, it’s all tweaking at that point for you.

If you see most people don’t read blog posts longer than 2,000 words, that’s easy to tweak. If few people opened up your press release, the title is easy to tweak. If no one is sharing your YouTube video, making the share button more visible is easy to tweak.

The place analysis is most important is in the conversations leading up to the transaction. How did they get to your blog in the first place? How is their email on your list to begin with? Why would people want to share the video anyway?

No transaction is as simple as “this for that” anymore. There are conversations going on before every transaction. Conversations customers have with themselves. Conversations they have with you. Conversations they have with their friends.

Maybe the focus needs to be less on tweaking and more on reaching the right people to begin with.

If you don’t analyze the conversations before a transaction, you’ll be at the mercy of always tweaking, always making adjustments.


Stay Positive & Hard To Move In The Right Direction When You’re Moving In All Directions

Photo credit to my awesome friend Krista Ledbetter

The Question Of Who To Help


A lot of mentors and even people you pass on the street have a goal to help as many people as possible. Is this right?

We’ve seen what mass production does – it kills the personal touch, the emotional labor, and devalues the process and product. Would it be better to help the smaller pool of people who truly want to be helped than forcing our assistance on people who don’t?

I can’t help but think back to one of George Carlin’s skits. He gets told to “have a nice day” so often that for once he just wants to be miserable, he doesn’t want to have a nice day, he’s had too many in a row, he wants someone else to have a nice day. Think about it.

Not everyone wants to be helped, some are content, some want to help themselves, and then you have those that are trying to help as many other people too and then you bump heads with them.

I can picture it now “help me help you helping me to help you help me, so long as I can help myself help you help you.”

I’d rather just have a miserable day than try to sort that out. That’s why you don’t see a bus driving off its route asking passengers to board who don’t, want, wish, or need to go anywhere.

That’s why I write for those who are searching for a bit of help and I sure as heck don’t go putting people in the position to need my help. No. Here when you need me.

The only responsibility we have is to show others that we’re here.


Stay Positive & “Have A Nice Day” Is Too Cliche’

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit