I’m A Writer

Oh heavens above does this feel good. I’ve been writing or researching for my writings for nearly 10 hours now. It’s three hours from midnight and I am still going. This feeling of being what I have always wanted to be excites my emotions and makes me want to assist others in feeling the same. You ask what it takes, I say it takes time (clearly) and effort (even more clearly). You ask how? Well that is what I want to work with you on. Email me: thegarthbox@gmail.com


Life Is Short

If time flies when you’re having fun and having fun is all you do, life is short.

If you’re a person that is having tragedies in your life and think life is short. You have another thing coming: one longgg life of living with those tragedies.

Which statement do you hear more people respond with “life is short”? I feel that I hear a lot more people say life is short in response to tragedies: A close friend dies from driving drunk, a grandparent falls and gets amnesia, you get heartbroken by the one you loved for years. Those are logical reasons to note that life is short.

Then you have those who use “life is short” as an excuse. An excuse to not do well in school, an excuse to be reckless, to risk their lives without realizing they are risking putting their tragedy on someone else’s mind, as explained in the paragraph above. Though they may not say it aloud, an underlying factor of why people do “stupid” things is that life is short.

And it is. It should be. Life NEEDS to be short. Scroll back up and read the first contention of this post.

There’s a variable that very few realize about time flying when you’re having fun. Think about this for a moment, remember a time that you said “time flies when you have fun” in response to an experience you had. In that experience, was time going fast? Or were you lost in it? It’s more than likely time didn’t even exist during that experience, in your mind, it was going to last forever. It’s not until the experience is over do you state that time flew.

Did it really though? Or is it just a perception. Yes this is getting deep, but bear with me, there’s a point.

You can have two people that live to be 78 years old. One lived every single day having as much positive fun as possible but ended the day with saying how short life is. The other lived every single day, averagely, blindly, safely, and at her deathbed, she had realized how short life is.

Did either have a short life? Yes and no. They both lived to by 78 years old which is a fair amount of years to live, not short at all. But only one person really lived those years. Only one person made the absolute most out of every day, that made time fly, and at the end of each day wished they had more time to continue doing the fun things they did, that thought life is short, when realistically it wasn’t shorter than anyone else’s.

Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. You can live each day and think that 24 hours is really short or you can go through life and once on your deathbed, wish you would have lived every set of 24 hours more.


Stay Positive & A Short Life Lived Is Better Than A Short Life Lost

Garth E. Beyer

Three Things You Can Always Give

I’m currently working on my Kickstarter project, but more on the specific project later. What I want to point out is that I don’t have many “material” things to give. Most people often don’t. So I am discovering that there are three ways that you can always give.

The first is time. It matters not that if it’s a little or a lot. What matters is that time is always there, and it’s extremely dynamic. You can play with time in a little way by waiting an extra five minutes before you leave or as complicated as working your entire schedule around to fit in some 1 on 1 time with your spouse. No matter what you need time for, you can work it out.

The second is attention and I mean this in the most general form. You can give your own attention to a matter, you can bring something to their attention or you can help someone create something that draws attention. It may feel that it costs money to get attention, but it is always free to give it.

The third is passion. It requires such little effort because your passion is your effort. Your passion is the most powerful thing you can give and transmit through another person and it is the total game changer in any relationship.

All three of which you can look forward to getting your hands on when my Kickstarter is released because you deserve the best, most value and something that I can always give.


Stay Positive & Boycott White Elephant (Try And Give These Things Away!)

Garth E. Beyer

Time’s Product Of Passion

You know the concept that the busier you are the more you seem to fit in? It’s as if, the more you do the more time you have. Now can you imagine how much more time you would have if you were busy doing things creatively, with more value and even more passion?

Kind of makes the vacation time you are getting at your job now seem a bit short doesn’t it?


Stay Positive & Work Less, Passion More

Garth E. Beyer

Early Urgency

Sometimes guilty myself, I always hear people say “I need more time”.

Those who mutter these words are likely the ones doing, acting, creating and following through. When you feel that you need more time it ignites a sense of urgency, hectic-ness, and haste. It is what needs to happen before you accomplish and ship anything valuable.

There is a way to just let time flow and “enjoy” yourself. Only through mediocre, dull and banal achievements can you do this. It’s easy. You do less and you get more time to do even less. No need to worry about haste making waste.

However, there is a way to have both and that is through Early Urgency. It’s a talent that can be attained by anyone willing to take control of their efforts, initiative and mind-set and who want more time to enjoy themselves and their accomplishments.

Early Urgency is making yourself flail (sometimes confused with fail), early. It is expediting your efforts before your deadline to ship. By doing so, you have all that time, from when you finished early to the deadline, where you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Warning: For some reason, the side effect to Early Urgency is that there are more phenomenal products being shipped early, never a peep about needing more time, and rarely ever, does someone want to just let time flow to enjoy themselves. They get all the enjoyment they need out of the frequent act of shipping their creations.


Stay Positive & Quicken Your Pace To Win The Race (To The Top)

Garth E. Beyer

1,000 Destinations

Everything is about the journey you take: how you did it, how it felt, what you learned, who you helped. It goes on. No, really, it goes on. The journey is a life long journey, it’s never ending – unless you count death as the end. Regardless, there has been a new conflict of interest in society, more specifically in the most recent (and upcoming) generations.

For simplicities sake, I will refer to the group of people as                                           Generation Destination

Generation-D loves a journey. They love the process, the failures, the mistake, the lessons, the connections, the ups, the downs, the progress, and all the unrelated interesting things they learn during the journey. In fact, they love a journey so much that one, just isn’t enough. Gen D produces more creativity than any other generation. Their instinct and ability to adapt is so inhuman that they deserve to have more than one journey. In fact, they are so far out of the status quo that instead of having 1 journey, they have 1,000 Destinations.

Generation-D is so talented –not born with, but created talent– that they have the power to manipulate the time a journey takes. Actually, it is not so much manipulation as it is the fact that the more creative, the more passion and the more busy (productive) a person is, the more time they have. In Gen D’s case, they use the extra time they have to make more journeys. Because they follow their heart, invest in their art and connect with everyone by offering a gift to all who they meet, they reach the end of a successful journey the quickest, resulting in a smile and a start of their next journey.

What Generation D is not

If Gen D could spit (some of which can and do), they would spit on two things. First they would spit on anything that is not art and anything that impersonates art. They don’t follow the status quo, they don’t do as their told and they don’t like mediocrity. They spit on anything that is unoriginal, factory made and has a set of instructions on how to make.

The second target, which you can bet they would really build up for, is anything average. Unlike, the people who live one journey (the average) instead of a thousand destinations, Gen D does not work, work some more, and keep working only to attain minimal amounts of progress. They don’t stand in the assembly line, they don’t walk down a hill, they run up it. They don’t create anything that if someone breaks, they wouldn’t be fined or go to jail for. That is how remarkable of content, creation and value they enforce and produce.

Generation D Statement

To create 1000 times the value in a 1000 different ways. (It’s not just a statement, it’s personal, it’s a pledge, it’s a declaration)

They aim to make 1000 destinations because they not only do what they love, but they do it efficiently, quickly and precisely. They can reach a 1000 destinations because they create art that has and adds value wherever it goes. The saying that you can be successful when you want it as bad as you need air to breathe doesn’t have a say here because the air Gen D breathes is success; it is art, it is passion, it is value, it is originality, it is everything we need.

Quick question, who do you think is going to gain the most interest in society?

The generations of mediocre, average, incomplete, held back, ill rewarded, humdrum, and unexceptional

or Generation D?


Stay Positive and End The Conflict Of Interest, Be Indispensable

Garth E. Beyer

Poetry Night 007

Tonight I want to share a poem that I read in Tim Ferriss’s “4 Hour Work Week”. I can say nothing more, this young girl who wrote the poem says it all. This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital. It was sent by a medical doctor – Dr. Yeou Cheng Ma. Please do what you can to help fulfill this young girl’s dreams.


Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask “How are you?”
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You’d better slow down
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

Ever told your child,
We’ll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say “Hi”?
You’d better slow down.
Don’t dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won’t last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift….
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Stay Positive and Slow Dance

Garth E. Beyer