Glamorous, Gumptive, And Getting To The Point

Glamorous, Gumptive, And Getting To The Point

It’s easy to turn short writing into fanciful long form. A lot of books can be written in 100 fewer pages. A lot of speeches can be cut by 5, 10, 20 minutes. A lot of podcasts can say what they are saying in a five-minute personal video than a 50 minute scripted podcast.

That being said, it’s still easy to turn short writing into pretty, short writing. I call it glamorous writing, but what it needs to be is gumptive writing; writing that’s honest, transparent, and human. It gets the point of the emotional labor needing to be done and shows that you’re in whatever you’re writing about for the long run.

Glamorous long form: Through innovate endeavors we can seek and conquer the path of least resistance that winds us into a less competitive market allowing us to facilitate well-thought-out marketing strategies that will rope in the plurality of the masses and satisfy our unwavering desire for a consistently increasing profit, which in turn we can build bigger facilities and add to our paid advertising budget.

Glamorous short form: We’ll market to a niche group, increase profits and grow our company.

The long form is pretty, isn’t it? Full of buzz words, passive voice, and a lot of empty promises. As for the short form, it’s quick and to the point, almost like a bullet point on a slide with too many other bullet points. But what about the Gumptive form?

Gumptive form: We’ve found the people seeking the solution we offer and know they have friends sharing the same problem. By adding some design and marketing to this tribe, we can leverage the power of word-of-mouth because we’ve shown we care and we know the tribe is full of influencers. With profits, we can hire additional designers to increase the remarkability of our solution thus always giving people something new to talk to others about.

It’s a bit longer than the glamorous long form, but it’s more honest, transparent, and full of care. You can tell they meant every word they wrote and would be happy to talk about any part of it in depth. As for the glamorous writing, ask the writer of it any question regarding what they wrote and they’ll, well, either choke or give you another glamorous non-answer.

The reality is we don’t need to find artful ways to say very little or artful ways to say a lot. We don’t need to thesaurus every second word and overuse the rule of three. We need to be definitive about our passions and how they can benefit others on an emotional level, on a human level.

By being real we become trusted and by becoming trusted we can do work that matters for people who care about doing work that matters. And in the end, it’s really about the forwardness of intentions for all parties. As ol’ Zig said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”


Stay Positive & Are You Sure You’re Helping?

Get Psyched!

I have a Get Psyched playlist for my workouts.

Barney has a Get Psyched mix for, well, getting psyched.

What about a Get Psyched mix for overall work, life, and self-improvement?


I’ll be going on a trip this Friday and will be #unplugged for 14 days. (Don’t worry, I’ve written like crazy to schedule posts for the days I will be unplugged.) While I get everything in order for my time away, I will be listening to a countless number of motivational speeches and discussions.

I remember the first Zig Ziglar talk I listened to on a Podcast at work two years ago. Heck, he’s still there on the front page! It changed my life for the better the best.

After I listened to all the Zig Ziglar that I could freely get my hands on, I bought a couple of discs. Then I listened to those until I knew what word he would say next. After nearly memorizing the seminars, naturally, I stopped listening to them. That’s when my life rocketed toward everything I wished it would be. It still amazes me just thinking about it.

Now I’m shooting to do the same with this trip. Loading up with motivational fuel, getting psyched, then cutting myself off. We’ll see what happens.

Without the need to be unplugged, I encourage you to do that same. You can download Spotify (much like Pandora, sure you’ve heard of that) and search for Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and all the other great motivational speakers. From there, it’s simple: listen.

You don’t need to spend hundreds, or in the case of some of Brian Tracy’s work, thousands, to Get Psyched for personal growth. Yes, Spotify is free.

What makes me happy is knowing how little Zig would care that we can now listen to him talk for free. Let’s show him what we got.


Stay Positive & Get Psyched

Garth E. Beyer

If You’re Creating Something That Takes Time To Process

It might be worth considering to drop it.

It’s a given that we’re in a world of next day delivery, instantaneous email confirmation after you click “submit,” and immediate Tweet/email/txt/snapchat back. We’ve built our interactions (purchases, connections, and outreach) on the idea of instant feedback.

Overall, it’s a positive change. A constant stream of feedback allows the creative class to correct what doesn’t work before too many people notice, to be thoroughly bathed in motivation (thanks Zig) with positive reviews, and most importantly, the stream of feedback gets you in the habit of dancing with your fears (negative reviews). No more ups and downs. You’re either on or your off.

Processing time? It’s a dying strategy. It used to be the norm. It used to lead clients and consumers to anticipate the result. Beyond all else, it used to be something worth waiting for.

Processing was an art. It gave the creators time to interact with the buyer while they were fulfilling their orders. Thing is, now the connecting is the two pieces of bread sandwiching the purchase.

And boy do people love to have their sandwiches.


Stay Positive & Note, Consumers And Clients Never Get Full

Garth E. Beyer

Thanks Zig

Thanks Zig


Funny how that only two days ago I mentioned Zig. He’s been a part of my life for only one year.

I had just moved to Madison and was hired to do data entry. It’s a very monotonous task that didn’t take any thinking power. Podcasts were getting big at the time, so I decided to listen to a podcast while I was working. I’ve heard the name Zig Ziglar before because I reminded someone of him. Through my search, I found this.

I listened to every single pod cast at least three times, and some of my favorites even more. I still think to myself at times, “kick the cat.” When I began listening to Zig, my eyes were opened – No. My MIND was opened. From that day, when I listened to the first podcast of ol’ Zig talking, my life changed.

I listened, I applied what I listened to and I repeated.

I downloaded his Born to Win seminar and listened to that. I then caught wind that he and his son would be publishing his final book called Born to Win (different than the seminar I downloaded). It was between downloading the seminar and finding out about his new book that I also came across Seth Godin – who happens to look up to Zig as much as me.

Thanks for teaching me how to love a woman – redhead or not.

Thanks for teaching me how to move up in work, in life.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Thanks for all the laughs.

Thanks for making public speaking look easy.

Thanks for teaching me what school, my family, my friends could never.

Thanks for all the conversations you never knew we had.


Stay Positive & Rest In Peace Zig

Garth E. Beyer