Time, Trust, Respect


Showing up on time has its perks, but you rely on other factors being in the right place to benefit you. You can show up early, but if no one is there… now what? blog?

The times of showing up early and benefiting from it are slowly passing. We’re entering an era that every meeting, conference, and think-tank coordinator has a tight schedule.

All the while, others (primarily the millennials – guilty) are making the most out of every moment. They are continuously asking themselves if they are getting more out of “this” than they could be if they went to “that.” Options infinitum.

Being there early doesn’t create trust. Being there on time does.

Respect is attached to time and not only respect for those whose time you are using, but your own time. In the connected world, we can monitor where various events, groups, friends, meetings, and coworkers are. We owe it to ourselves to be respecting our own time as we are respecting others.

Sometimes that means leaving “this” for “that.”


Stay Positive & Spread Your Time

Garth E. Beyer

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Garth Beyer
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